I'm reposting the Cyber Factor forum post here for people who've never read it. The last demo's in there too (at the bottom) so go play it if you haven't already.
IntroductionThe 3rd demo is finally ready. If any of you remember Cyber Factor is a Rm2k3 game that I've been making off and on since 2003-2004. It started as a Rm2k project, then became a Rm2k3 project and then a RMXP project (which is mainly where most of last year's development went) and now has returned to Rm2k3. This demo contains 2-4 more hours (maybe more idk) of gameplay which covered the entire 1st area and its related story arc. So basically it may be twice as long as the last demo which most people I asked said was 4 hours long but I'm not good at timing so I dunno.
NOTE: If you still have your save from the previous demo DO NOT USE IT WITH THIS VERSION since I've redone the way you gain Tech Arts (You use to gain one of 3 Tech Arts when you reacted Rank (Lv.) 5 but now you gain them when your Body, Mind or Soul reach a certain levels meaning now you'll eventually have all 3 of them) and done alot of other changes that might break the game if you use the old save files. For the record in future demos you should be able to use Save files from this demo since I don't plan to make any more major changes.
Well now that that's outta the way here's the old infomation. All of you may wanna read this since it's been awhile and plus I've changed alot of things in it...
What is Cyber Factor?A semi-nonlinear RPG (think like Legend of Mana) based on a theory I had after stupidly watching the Matrix & Lawnmower Man on the same day (something I suggest you never do). I thought about how quickly AI has improved in videogames from when they were first created. Now imagine in say 100 years from now the AI in games will probably be so advanced that the game's characters will probably believe themselves to be alive & they will be after all when you think about it aren't we just an advanced code ourselves? Well what if this is all just a code written by beings more advanced than us? Many religions state that a god created everything well what if the method used by this god is the same method that we will use in 100 years to create a game world? Cyber Factor is a Rm2k3 RPG based around this theory.
So What's the Story?This is sorta hard to explain in a game such as this but basically Cyber Factor happens in a world very much like our own only people are well aware of there datalogically coded make-up. The world itself has nearly been completely deleted by Viral creatures known as Geist. You play a guy named Heiro, created from Life Data that fell from the sky & it's your job to restore the world. There is no basic "this guy's evil go kick his ass plotline" to tell since through the course of the game many events happen each leading to a conclusion so I s'pose a summary of the story would go something like "You play Heiro & it is your job to restore the world while fighting against the Geist cause".
You Restore the World? How Exactly Do You Do That?After completing events you gain what is called World Data & by using said data at restore points on the map you can restore anything from a single town, to a mountain range, to a continent. You then venture into these newly created areas completing new events & gaining more World Data. You can also change the areas themselves such as adding in a bridge or blocking off a lake to stop the water flow by finding & using Extra Data at reorganization points.
Game Features-Restore the world using a system inspired by the Soul Blazer series & Legend of Mana.
-Enemies are see-able on the field & chase you similar to Grandia.
-Customized DBS with a heavier emphasis on the tactical use of arts.
-Combi system allows you to use powerful combinations of the arts you've obtained.
-Read various pages of books on shelves. (New book "History of the Dragon Wars Vol. XI: Jaleia Irving" in Jaleia Checkpoint's Inn room. I also added a guide manual to one of the houses in Rim Village).
-Unique upgrading system allocate skill points into the catagories Body, Mind & Soul to upgrade your stats & learn new Arts as you level up. (Changes to this system explained above in Introduction)
-Battlechars with more than 3 frames per animation. -Battle voices. (heyas & such)
-Various optional mini-games. (This will be the next thing I work on)
-Fight in an arena for money & items (Not in this demo, this is in area 2).
-Create and customize a robot mech in the in-game video game "Mobile Gear" and battle against the mechs of NPCs across the world. (One of the next things I'll work on, I consider it a mini-game, just a larger one)
-New Game +, play the game over with your ending stats & Arts as well as a few special items allowing you to discover new secrets within the game. (Obviously not in this demo or any demo following this one since it will only work when the game is finished)
-6 endings as well as 2 extra endings obtainable after New Game +. (Maybe I should remove these 2 from the features till the game is done?)
-Use alchemy to combine Extra Equipment to make new ones.
-Not really a feature but you can now see which Tech Arts Elemental Arts can make Combis with in the description of the Elemental Art's Exe Installer. Please keep in mind that some Elemental Arts also make new Combis with other Elemental Arts, theses aren't in the desrciptions.
Age: Born when the game begins but his humanoid form appears as a 15 to 17 year old.
Weapon: Soliton (Sword)
Heiro was created from the Life Data that fell from the sky, has the ability to transfer and move the world's data at will. That's really all there is to know about him as you will decide his personality by how you play the game & what you say to other characters.
Zoei Fritzgard
Age: 18
Weapon: Z Armor (Martial Arts)
Zoei is the daughter of Cirel Fritzgard a famous Professor of Datology (the science of data & coding of it) & the creator of the Heaven's Edge Airship. After the fall of Helmsberg 12 years ago Zoei was taken in by Heaven's Edge & is now on her way to one day becoming an Einlanzer (Einlanzer: A military force based on Heaven's Edge who are trained to fight Geist).
Kayne Alexander
Age: 35
Weapon: Varii Gun (A gun that can shoot any know type of bullet)
Kayne is a monk of the Shrine of Onnu & son of the famous monk Azriel Alexander and Fheyana a mysterois woman found by his father near the Shrine of Onnu one day. It is said that he is the one who discovered the book which contains the Lux Legend but if this is true or not is unknown.
Serafin Alexander
Age: 42
Weapon: Gaian (Book)
Serafin is Kayne's older brother. He's gained fame as a warrior monk who travels the world destroying Geist with his followers. Some people look to him as the world's only hope.
Jack Banner
Age: 32
Weapon: Brawlingtons (Gauntlets)
An Einlanzer, Jack was a close friend of Cirel Fritzgard. During the fall of Helmsberg it was Jack who saved Zoei & brought her to Heaven's Edge.
Saceli Irving
Age: 36
Weapon: Excalia (Sword)
Saceli is a member of the Irving family of knights who have long served the Mano royal family. She was a childhood friend of Mari Fritzgard, Zoei's mother. After the Mano-Mona Kingdom's deletion Saceli joined Heaven's Edge mainly as a teacher but she also takes part in some missions.
Caprine Callenco
Age: 18
Weapon: Nothing (Attacks like your little sister)
Caprine is the daughter of the notorious mobster team of Sal Callenco & Rachelle Karris. Caprine joined the Junior Einlanzers around the same time as Zoei & they quickly became bestfriends & have even rented an apartment on the Eastside of Heaven's Edge together...well actually she pays like 95% of the rent but...well they live there together.
NOTE: There are some more characters who join you during certain events Legend of Mana style. The one you need to know from this demo is...
Wendolyn D'Marco (Wendy)
Age: 10
Weapon: Change Purse (Yeah really, an old lady's change purse)
A pirate captain from an unknown land. Claims to be from an orphanage somewhere but her true origins and how she became a captain over pirates at such a young age are a mystery.
Things You Need to Know Before Playing the DemoEnemy Weaknesses: The icons beside the Geist name aren't there elemental properties it's there weaknesses. As will be explained later (you play Zoei during a class) unlike most RPGs enemies in Cyber Factor don't have certain elements but they are weak to certain types of attacks. For example a Ruby Dragon just because all its attacks are Fire based doesn't mean it's weak to Water. Its "fire pit" is inside its belly but the mighty horn on its head is a direct line to its nervous system, this means that it's actually weak to Lightning. So you see weaknesses aren't based on a "this counters this" system but on more realistic terms thus I'd be crazy if I expected you to just look at an enemy & figure out what it's weak to. Every enemy has atleast 1 Tech weakness & Elemental weakness & exploiting these weaknesses is key to battle superiority.
Combi Arts: As you perform Normal Attacks & Arts you'll notice that the Trianglar Meters next to the character's name will fill (they fill more when you use Arts). When atleast 1 of these meters is filled you can then perform a Combi Art. Combi Arts usually do not use Energy (MP).
Saving: You can save anywhere so don't go around looking for a save point cause there aren't any.
Older Screenshotshttp://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf139gj.pnghttp://img92.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf142eu.pnghttp://img224.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf151yo.pnghttp://img260.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf213ru.pnghttp://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf222pa.pnghttp://img267.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf187kv.pnghttp://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf170hp.pnghttp://img77.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf200zb.pngNewer Screenshotshttp://img238.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf23xi0.pnghttp://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf24we4.pnghttp://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf25ky9.pnghttp://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf26hw5.pnghttp://img387.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf27aw0.pnghttp://img76.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf28pa3.pnghttp://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf29us7.pnghttp://img410.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cyf30np3.pngDemo III Download Link